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Online learning is a method of education whereby students learn in a fully virtual environment. First introduced in the 1990s with the creation of the internet and utilized in distance learning, online learning (also called e-learning) is most prevalent in higher education, enabling students from different geographical areas to engage with an academic institution and other students online and learn flexibly, at their own pace, while working towards a degree or certificate.

Online learning refers to an internet-based learning environment that can connect students of diverse backgrounds who boast different perspectives. A higher education institution will use a learning management system, or LMS, to facilitate online learning, which can take the form of asynchronous learning (where students are not required to be online at the same time, and utilize discussion threads and e-mails to complete coursework) or synchronous learning (where students must be online at the same time).

Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.

An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend different courses. Among the advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students.

Only in a small group a person can develop properly. At school, students learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students will only benefit from it. Online learning cannot offer human interaction.

Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.

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Tags: Online learning, Online education, Online graduation, Online environment, E-learning, E-learning benefits, Advantages of Online learning, Disadvantages of Online learning, Virtual classroom, Virtual learning, Future of education, Future of learning, Technology disruption, Learning innovation, Innovation of learning, 21st century skills, 21st century education