Starbucks Coffee 2277

Property "Address" (as page type) with input value "22155 Michigan Avenue (Dearborn, Michigan)" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Starbucks Coffee #2277
Store number2277
Address22155 Michigan Avenue
CityDearborn, Michigan
Coordinates42°18′19″N 83°14′49″W / 42.3052°N 83.2470°W / 42.3052; -83.2470Coordinates: 42°18′19″N 83°14′49″W / 42.3052°N 83.2470°W / 42.3052; -83.2470

Starbucks Coffee #2277, also known as Starbucks Dearborn Michigan, is a Starbucks coffee shop located at 22155 Michigan Avenue , Dearborn, Michigan.[1]
